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 meeisdee_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Count Me In to the Broken Heart's Club |
Just thought I'd say hey.......kind of introduce myself although I do not see many people posting.
It's terrible to be married and still be lonelier than you would be single. I would give my right arm to make things better, but you can only do what you can do. It does indeed take two to make things work.
Anyway, just wanted to see what was going on here....the thought of being single again freightens me to no end.
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Joined: June 1, 2007
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don't be afraid..being single opens up doors of opportunities to find the happiness that your lacking. Maybe you think no one else would want me..there's always someone who will.
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Posted: Post subject: Single |
Being single can be pretty nice once you get use to it. After a marriage of 18 years then suddenly divorced, at the time I was only cleaning houses part time which wouldn't even pay half of the few bills I did have. Two years later it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I enjoy my job as a computer tech & office manager, I also kept 2 customers to clean for and now will be taking on some computer jobs of my own. I don't make a fortune but for the first time in my life I can say that I don't have help from any man and I'm making it on my own. Actually my life is more peaceful and satisfying these days. And the men aren't far away.
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 blondegal62 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Broken Heart.....:( |
I am a 45 yr, pld gal, who started dating a trucker 5 yrs ago and, fell head over in heels in love with him! This was not my 1st relationship, I had been married and had 4 grown children, so couldn't believe what I was FEELING! He said he loved me, and asked me to marry him about 2 yrs after we were together, I said yes, I had told myself yrs. befor this that I was never getting married this relationship really hit me hard! I bent over backwards for this man, and truly would have gave him my right arm. Well within 6 monthes after he asked me to marry him, I began to find out that, he had been not trelling me the truth about alot of things, at 1st I tried to forgive him, but the more I gave, the more he wanted and to make a long story short, he ended up just leaving me and never came back around, I just wondered if he is still alive? Well, maybe I do.....His name is Jeff Sapp, known as Southern Boy, out of Canton Texas. He was o/o of Sapp trucking, also he has alot of family out of Florida. If anyone has any info, or has any advice, please e-mail me at (removed) I have been single since we have been split up...HELP PLEASE! Thank You, Robin[/b]
Robin Wiley |
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Joined: December 28, 2007
Posts: 3
Posted: Post subject: BROKEN HEART |
We all have been there a time or two.Break up to make up.Love hurts ,love is blind,and love heals.
So he went back to ex that he thought would change after juice him out of 30,000 in her house hold where he cant even get in the house because the doors are locked,lol.i guess he found the grass was green on the other side like he thought then wanted to get back together.
Yeah right!u got what u deserved.
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Joined: May 31, 2008
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`i'm married to a trucker for about five years and dont see him at all i love trucks and miss riding i live in montrose pa and wish i was in the truck again
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 tweety09 (deleted)
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 jerry1976 (deleted)
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 boisebeau8288 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`I'm just sick and tired of being alone. I'm sick and tired of being rejected over and over again, and I'm just sick and tired of letting the miles pass without having anyone to talk to. I'm sick and tired of spending my 10-hour breaks alone. I'm sorry, but I HATE the single life of a trucker. I keep getting told that it takes a special woman to be on a truck with a man. I'm sorry , but with the billions of women out there in this world, I DON'T BELIEVE IT. I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'd like to have a woman who will be my companion on my rig, and who would be willing to share our lives together, and someone who is not afraid to come with me to Idaho. I don't want to go to Idaho alone. I give up. I can't believe that even on the Internet, or websites like this, people still play all sorts of head games and try to lead you on, then they don't even want you to contact them anymore. I really want to be married again, even though I've been divorced twice. The year 2010 has not been very kind to me, as I have been through a lot, with a girlfriend crying wolf on me and landing me in jail for 3 months, my stepdaughter committing suicide, my grandmother passing away a week later and not being allowed to attend her funeral because I'm not welcomed by my relatives in Washington state, getting caught up in a Nigerian romance scam through someone on the site (I lost $950, had a computer virus injected into my computer that destroyed my hard drive, and had my heart broken badly), and finding out that the trucking outfit I work for might be ripping me off by double-billing me for cash advances. When will it all end? Just once, I'd like to have something GOOD happen in my life, something to end 2010 on a positive note. I really don't want to go to Idaho alone. I think I have a lot to offer that special someone, if only I could find her. I'm beginning to wonder if I exceeded my limit on women. I also wonder if I'll EVER find anyone that I can be married to for the rest of my life. I miss the old days, before the Internet, when you could just casually meet someone in person and be able to tell from that first face-to-face meeting if things were going to be long-term or not. I feel so out of place when it comes to meeting somebody in this day and age. It almost seems like political correctness has taken over when it comes to meeting someone. Reminds me of George Orwell's book 1984, when they talk about Newspeak. That's what this political correctness crap is. Frankly, I'd like to put a bullet in the head of the @ssh*le that invented political correctness. It's made life very miserable for those of us who still practice some form of common sense or another. It's making life hell for me in finding Ms. Right.[/i]
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 darleneb1964 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Broken Hearts CLub? Im in it too.
Met my trucker online, we met, hit it off, started talking on the phone. CONSTANT talking. about everything under the sun..we talked forever adn ever.
he asked me to be his girl about two months into it. Great! i was on cloud nine. said i acme around a tthe perfect time for him, i asked him if he were really single. he always had an answer for me. promises promises promises.
i lived in maine, he lives in louisiana. no problem, i moved to tennessee about 6 months into it to stay with my mom, we saw each other often but i just never made it to his house in louisiana.
I told him, look its been almost 8 months here, i feel like i am a secret. A secret? he says, you want to meet my people? yes! i say. i go to his yard in mississippi, meet his co workers...he was never really home. one weekend a month...
youll meet my dad, my cousins, my dogs, you will love this and that, the best pizza is in my town i cant wait for you to try it. then i find out..he has a woman at home.
almost two yrs into it and he has a woman at home. they dont fool around, they are more brother sister than lovers. i want you i need you i will make this right.
sure ya will..ok...three months is wha tyou get to make it right. gong off the road for three weeks to make it right, you will be here after that, i need you i love you i want you. im doing this for us so we can be together.
Im going down there the fourth weekend, im so happy and excited, so in love and flying in the air when she calls me on the phone. as im packing my bag to go there.
she not leaving, i love him, stop calling him. you are just a road whore. she told me they dont have sex, not in a year, they dont like each other either. she said this. yet..she wont leave.
he told her abotu me, she cried and moaned and threatend to harm herself, he cant kick her out to the street, they are all tangled up financially, he loves me, he wants me, but she is his mother in many ways..wont let him go, he doesnt want to give up the security of 7 yrs.
but he wants me. wants to figure something out. cant stand to be off the road seeing her every day. wants me. but wont do what has to be done to have me. wants me to hang in there. wait.
what the hell.
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 hummingbird22 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Love vs Whatever |
I think that through all the ages of time that one word "LOVE" has had so many meanings to so many different people. It's something we ALL must have though. I think the bottom line is how people react to it once they are given love. Some run like scared kids, some stick around and see if anything comes from it, some give up way too soon and some try to drag it out when it seems to be going nowhere. It's a confusing word nonetheless. First of all though, I think of this little saying when it comes to love and it has worked for me personally.
Never treat someone as a priority when they only treat you as an option.
If you have been mislead (male or female) into a relationship to thinking he/she loves you, all one has to do is think back (with an open mind) on things that have been done or said in the relationship and how they might fit into your present situation. Is the person still the same dependable, loving, kind person you fell for? If they come and go easily without seemingly a care in the world, chances are they don't give a damn about you...they are only there for one thing and one thing only. NOBODY deserves to be dissed like some people do to others. Man up or woman up and tell each other the guts of what it is that's going on in your mind. Otherwise you will just be thought of as another messed up one. Communication is absolutely necessary.
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Joined: April 21, 2009
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`Wow is all I can say! I was married to a driver many years ago. He left me to be with lots of someone else's. There was a woman every where I looked. Then one day he left me high and dry to be with this one chick or another. I was broken hearted as I put my life back together again. He only left me 250 grand in debt with two kids to raise. I learned to create a career and rebuild a life without him. I raised those kids by msyelf, kept a home have a fairly new home and life goes on. I got engaged once, had my heart ripped out right before the wedding as I found out three days after I left he had someone else. Never looked back as that one cost me 90 grand. Since then I have been alone. Never met one guy except for the short fat bald ones, who are toothless etc. The married ones are a dime a dozen and would not touch them with a lot lizzard's vagina never mind mine. I may work 105 hours a week to survive, but I have myself, as I have learned it is ok to be alone. I will be 82 yrs old when I get out of debt. My former hubby owes me for more alimony, back due child support etc than I care to count. He retired from Central Refrigeration with girl whatever number she is. Yes, she is years younger than me or him for that matter. She signed my name on that retirement. Now it sits in the District Attorneys office in the state of California. I wish him the best when he meets up with Joe Bubba and Josephine Bubbette. Meanwhile, perhaps a miracle will come into my life, and I will meet a mr right. I despise local folks as they bore me to death. It is what it is, learned to not look and keep on working.
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 nomad43 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`I'm a member of this club now. Why can't people say what they mean and mean what they say??
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Joined: April 9, 2013
Posts: 38
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`I guess I have nothing to complain about. My ex "man" who drives for Wiley Sanders, was a shot in the dark. broke my heart but I will be o.k.... Not giving up.
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Joined: April 9, 2013
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`Taking a break. Internet Relationships are hard. Want to go back to part of the old days. You meet someone, become friends & then we'll see. Not after knowing someone for a wk or two. Really have to have something in common besides physical. when the fun is over, you have nothing.
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